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The Sales Traps Report

Are you in sales? Do you feel like you are always struggling to meet targets, being told you could do better or missing out on the deal at the last hurdle?

Or perhaps you manage a sales team? Is there unhealthy competition between your salespeople? Does poor communication impact on your team’s performance? Are you disappointed with their results because you know they can do better?

YES? Then you need to download our free Sales Traps Report, which highlights the most common traps that salespeople and managers fall into, affecting their results and their performance.

Download the Sales Traps Report here.

The 80/20 Rule Report

This report looks at how Pareto’s 80/20 Rule affects businesses and their processes, performance and results.

The 80/20 Rule – more accurately referred to as the Pareto Principle – has origins set more than 100 years ago in an Italian economist’s garden. Yet the Pareto Principle still affects all of us in almost every part of our lives today, especially in business. So what is it?

If you want to know how apply the 80/20 Rule for the best results for your business and your people then get your free copy now.

Download the 80/20 Rule Report here.

Take a look at our business reports...

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‘I’ve recommended One To Ten Coaching to my boss, because if Eugene can help me this much just imagine what he can do for my employer, with all the problems we have. Also two of my friends have booked courses!’

SR, Birmingham

“It won’t work for me, they don’t know me.” How wrong was I? If only I had made contact when I first got the flyer, I would have achieved even more of my goals. Thank you Eugene!”

ZH, Burnley

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